Posted in Faith In God



Got it published in Hindustan Times.Check out link-

Proudly the conqueror comes

With a thumping sound of drums

And there goes his fame

Making everyone acclaim

That he is the most just

But looking at the sky

With the supreme power residing high 

How insignificant is this dust.

Gracefully the blessed soul comes

Behold his spiritual style

Covering his hidden guile

Poised with his calm grace

Ready to shower his blessing

On the human race

But looking at the sky

With the supreme power residing high 

How insignificant is this dust.

Holding his head high

The dauntless warrior comes

Making the damsels sigh

Everybody welcomed him with rum and plums

He came after a fierce battle

Hordes of people followed him like cattle

Proving his valor

His tales of bravery are in galore

He slashed the throats sitting on the saddle

Looking at the sky

With the supreme power residing high 

How insignificant is this dust.

From ages, this philosophy comes

The supreme is the one

With whom the roll of drums

Making every thing around shun

Looking at the sky

With the supreme power residing high 

How insignificant is this dust.

He bows down, she forgets her frown

When he delves into your soul

Making you lose control

The highest is his will

Without boasting,he remains still

He looks at this world with a deep sigh.

The victor comes with no realize.

Looking at the sky

With the supreme power residing high 

How insignificant is this dust.


Youth Advocate for UN Sustainable Development Goals from a STEM background

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