Posted in awards

Award Show ❤❤

  • ​Sunshine Blogger Award #8

Loads of love to Novus Lectio for nominating me. Please do check out her blog and flood it with likes!
Thank the person(s) who nominated you

Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you

Nominate 11 blogs to receive the award and write them 11 questions.
Would you rather rule in hell or serve in heaven?

Heaven…I will just want to be near my God and end the endless misery.
Do you prefer the outdoors or indoors?

My outdoors is just my school. So yes I long to go to travel but when one is dead tired,home is where your heart lies.
The hills or the beach?

Both.Gifts of nature by God and so I love them.
If you had to pick three things to go with you to the afterlife what would they be and why?

 My family, My memories, and my skills..They all are the most important to me than anything! 

Do you believe in God?

An ardent believer.
What is your current favourite song?
I Hate You,I Love You by Gnash ft. Olivia O’Brien
Which is your favourite movie
Bahubali Series and Dhruva(both are South-Indian!)
Canoe or hiking ?

Never done any one of them.
Do you prefer A burger menu or A free theatre ticket
A burger menu. I don’t like theatres.
Would you rather be able to understand birds speak or being able to resist fire
Understand birds speak that will be a hell lot of fun!

Everyone’s nominated this time folks!

Would you rather rule in hell or serve in heaven?
Do you prefer the western or ethnic wear?
The sweet or the salty food?
If you had to pick three things to go with you to the afterlife what would they be and why?
Do you believe in boundaries?
What is your current favourite song?

  • Friendship Blogger Award

I’ve been nominated for Friendship Blogger Award by the sweetest Novus Lectio. Check her blog out soon.She’s one of the most amazing bloggers seen till date!❤❤
This Award is for those we cherish in WP and to show them affection and to offer them our friendship.


Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to their blog.

Mention thUncertaintyweb.wordpress.come creator of the Award (Novus Lectio) and its purpose.

Nominate other bloggers to receive the award.

List the rules and display the Friendship blogger award logo in your post on your blog.
Nominees :

Each one of you…

Loads of love



Youth Advocate for UN Sustainable Development Goals from a STEM background

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