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Liebster Award 2k17

Delving Deep I Am..And here goes my award..Honoured With Liebster Award…

I had been nominated for this award by a wonderful blogger who does not wished to be named.I would have loved to share about his blog to you all..but he believes that magic lies in anonymity and thats what I love about him. 

My nominees-

  • AyushPanwar
  • My Dear Rasgulla@Srijan Gupta
  • LostSoul-Brokenheartwrites
  • 💀
  • Festenstein
  • Indishe
  • Jayshree
  • Aakriti405
  • Supravat1955
  • Sulaiman Hafeez
  • Silly Shruti
  • Ayush Anand
  • Blogging_With_Bojana
  • Timbushifamilyblog
  • Restlessjo
  • Am breaking the rules and adding three of my dear ones.
  • Panchali Dass
  • Yoly
  • Lulu_Chan

 I’m really honored that he thought me eligible for the award.


  1. Answer the questions that were left for you
  2. Nominate your favourite new bloggers.(not more than 15!)
  3. Write 7 questions for them to answer.
  4. Add all the rules and be honest with your answers!

A.D’s Questions

1. What book are you reading now?

Its one of the most intriguing books I have come across by one of tye finest writers of India , Shobhaa Dé.

Its Superstar India-From Incredible To Unstoppable.

Its a wonderful read.You can checkout the review here by Goodreads👇

2. What reading has disturbed you?

Reading newspapers. They shake me from within. I read such unimaginable reports that I start being in a dilemma that does humanity exist ?

I am much happier when I better not go through them because I delve deep and inspiring news are very less in them.

3. What is your favourite way to read? Audiobook? eBook? Kindle? Hardcover? 

Its definitely a yes for Hardcover.. Old school but so own.

4. What is your favourite colour?

What significance does it hold for you?

I love all colours…

But Mauve leads the way.

Its mystic and its sensuous.I love the way it blooms with a sense of a beautiful secret .

5. Do you believe time is running fast?

We really don’t get it when, because it’s too fast! I have listened to many lectures saying that give time to yourself.

But, when I hear them say this, the first thought that travels to my heart

 is when will the time I will get to see at myself?

It’s quite astonishing, but still everyone’s time is scampering away from their lives. The time which could have been used for something better. We may be, at the back of our mind want to change ourselves but we aren’t able to because it’s now been a natural phenomena and we have become habitual to the wastage of time.We could not implement it in our lives. We are tangled in today’s fast world! 

6.What are your views on life?

“In the end, the years in your life do not count, but the life in the years count.” A very well and an absolutely true quotation; indeed by a very famous personality, Abraham Lincoln, the 13th President of U.S.A. But, we are totally going opposite to it.The people, they see the years, not that how they spend it. Even a life which may have expired young but has been  lived to the fullest , fulfilling that mission of being human is a life worth spent.It may be showered with obstacles, but in the end the human dies in peace and so rests in tranquility and who could be a better example than our very own Lady Diana , the lady who lived life to its true meaning. 

7.What do you think we should do to get out of this rat race in life?

So,  till now you may have got my point. The life shouldn’t be long, it should be big and to make it large…huge…Yes! The time should be utilized properly. With my observation, the best way to balance and equalize the time, meditation is very much important. It helps you to think much deeper. You just have to take some minutes of your day to do this and it will help you in the long run. If you will relax your mind, then it could enrich you automatically. It is even a very nice method to solve your problems and if you do this, you will find tour self delving deep into the innermost chambers of your heart and realizing the eternal self.Today everybody is in a rat race and it becomes really important at this juncture that we spend quality times with our near and dear ones.So respect time. Each moment of your precious life is priceless because if the time is wasted, then it would be like injuries to which we will have no other way then to succumb because the time has already gone! According to Hindu mythology ,it is said that after 84 lakh births as different species, life is attained. So it would be highly ridiculous to fritter away the precious time of one’s life in pursuit of transitory things of the world. So save time! Utilize the most of your life. Live every moment. Every second. This won’t come back again! Delve into your valued time. Because always remember ……..

‘Past is history,Tomorrow is a mystery

Present is the time going on,that is why it is known as PRESENT.(gift)!!



     My Questions.

  • What do you thinks a person with no friends should do  even if he had tried hard making them?                  
  • You are given a chance to spend a day with your muse.Who and Why?!
  • Your dream destination and with whom?
  • Your views on growing technology , growing boundaries.
  • Pressure makes a person better.For or Against?
  • How will you manage a person who is most irritating but still can’t be ignored.
  • Given a choice , which will you choose.(any 1)
  1. Blue Pill-Invisiblity
  2. Green Pill-Back into time
  3. Red Pill-Reading other’s mind
  4. Yellow Pill-Power Of Oblivating Memories Of People     
  5. Pink Pill- Power of Making a philter or say..a potion which makes the drinker fall in love with your aura            



    Youth Advocate for UN Sustainable Development Goals from a STEM background

    39 thoughts on “Liebster Award 2k17

    1. Hi Rida..
      Here I go:)
      *Absolute.. No! Do not even try to make friends forget hard. Yes to take initiative and appreciate as to what you like in them. That’s it!!!! Friends just happen. Like us. No hardships plz. That’s what makes it special..effortless it should be:)

      *I don’t know my muse. I guess every female who has the courage to be herself.. Without giving in to the definitions put on her.

      * I want to go on the moon with my sun oh sorry…my son.

      * Growing technology is certainly creatinly creating boundaries at personal level. Which is alarming. We must keep a check and maintain a balance between technology and technicians (we).

      *Pressure can go either ways. Maybe initially against later better or vice versa. Depends on situations and person to person.

      *haha..damn cutr question. I will go into the hindi daily soap vamps. Wherein they talk all the filth inside their their and still give an annoying smile (on a lighter note). That’s So I say SMILE AND SILENCE.killer combo.

      *Damn creative. I pick blue pill. Exciting it would be.

      I enjoyed answering them:)

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Heavens, I’m staying clear of those pills, Rida! They all sound potentially dangerous 🙂 🙂 Live your life as fully as you are able, and do as little harm seems a good way to approach the world. Not always easy. Thank you so much for bestowing the award on me. I don’t have time- that bad old guy! – to answer in detail.

      Liked by 3 people

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