Posted in My Muse

An Ode From A Daughter To All M🌼ms

​Mothers are like candles who burn themselves to shower their light of guidance, love and care.But, are we also loving her unconditionally?

She sat alone on the chair,

Letting it down was her hair,

She was present in front of the eyes,

But truly was she there?

The lady who was always lustering bright,

Today why the mother was quiet?

Tumbled over the thought that something was not right,

What was troubling mother from day until night?

Has something gone wrong,

Or did she listen to someone’s sad song.

Lost in her thoughts, she looked at the sight,

Why the mother was quiet?

Couldn’t control the curious mind,

What happened wrong couldn’t find.

Suddenly the eyes grew wide,

There was something to confide.

Not good in the deeds,

In a moment, the life felt like scattered in beads.

How couldn’t it be realized,

That life was not at all mesmerized.

The moment, got to know, there was a blunder,
Now there was nothing to wonder,

Went; stood near her,

Gave the warmest hug to the dear.

She looked at me; I looked at her,

She didn’t say a word, nor did I utter.

That moment sparked a light in life.

Now the secret unfolds,

That why the mother was quiet.



Youth Advocate for UN Sustainable Development Goals from a STEM background

76 thoughts on “An Ode From A Daughter To All M🌼ms

    1.! Its an ode to all the lovely mothers out there and I believe your child is blessed to have a mother with great thoughts like you❤
      May God give you and your family all the happiness💙
      Mothers are a treasure and this one ..a poem written by a daughter is an #ode to all lovely m🌼ms..

      Liked by 2 people

  1. And its an honour. Thank you. It felt special. you too..a wonderful blessing to mommy. God bless. Wish you the same.
    Mothers are God on Earth.
    Lots of love and hugs

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The poem gives an insight to your mind. All children love their mothers. But is it unconditional? Mothers love is always and will forever be unconditional. The love of mothers sometimes do not permit them to speak.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. This is so breath taking and sweet! As a mom I know how a warm hug from my kids can really do the magic of encouraging me. It makes all the stress worth it.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Nooo nooo , nothing like that
        You write even better
        Really don’t worry about who is writing better bcoz each writing is a different work altogether ,different with different emotions and each is beautiful in itself ❤️💙

        Liked by 1 person

      1. You are welcome…:-)
        and you can visit my blog too…;-), if you find something intrusting then Don’t Forget to follow my Blog…:-)
        Keep in touch…:-)


  4. this is woven with threads of love n passion u adore for ur mother which is beautifully chisseled in this poem…really it is commendable😍😍😘😘

    Liked by 3 people

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